2008年在柳江县进行莲藕田间"3414"肥效试验,通过建立氮、磷、钾施肥量与产量的回归模型,探索当地莲藕的最佳施肥量。结果表明,供试地块的整体地力属中等偏高水平,土壤有效养分含量丰缺程度表现为高N、低P、高K。在该地力条件下,以每公顷施纯N 390kg、P2O5 210kg、K2O 300kg的处理(N2P2K2)莲藕产量最高,达27400.5kg.ha-1;通过建立回归方程并对回归方程进行分析显示,莲藕产量与氮、磷、钾施肥量之间具有显著的回归关系。结合试验推荐施肥量及供试土壤的特殊性,建议柳江县莲藕产区每公顷合理施肥量为400~500kg纯N、130~200kg P2O5和200~300kg K2O。
The study has been condUcted on fertilizer practice ("3414") in lotus under field conditions in Liujiang County in 2008. Fourteen fertilizer treatments were designed with varying levels of N, P and K, and four levels of each fertilizer have been taken as treatment. The regression model between yield and N, P and K applications was established to analyse the best fertilizing application on lotus. The results of soil nutrient analysis showed high available N and K but low available P. The treatments were applied based on the soil test. The highest yield of lotus (27400.5kg/ha) was found on application of 390 kg N, 210 kg P205 and 300 kg K2O per hectare. The regression equation analysis results showed significant regression relationship between yield of lotus and N, P and K fertilizer applications. According to these results and soil tests, the fertilizer application @ 400-500 kg N, 130-200 kg P2O5 and 200-300 kg K2O was recommended.
Guangxi Agricultural Sciences