
基于加权变尺度法的无线传感器网络定位 被引量:8

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Weighted DFP Algorithm
摘要 针对传统最小二乘法定位精度的不足,将工程控制优化中常用的变尺度法(DFP算法)应用到无线传感器网络定位问题中。该算法避免了计算二阶导数矩阵及其求逆计算,特别是对高维问题具有一定的优越性,从而实现对节点定位的优化计算。仿真实验结果表明,该算法能有效提高节点定位精度。 Aiming at the lack of accuracy in the traditional localization method of least-square, the DFP algorithm is adopted in this paper to solve the Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) localization problem. The algorithm avoids the calculation of a second derivative matrix and its inverse, especially for high-dimensional problems and achieves the optimization result of nodes localization. Simulation experimental result shows the algorithm can effectively increase the node positioning accuracy.
作者 孔军 季海波
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第21期108-110,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 安徽省科技攻关计划重大科技专项基金资助项目"可调谐红外激光汽车尾气在线监测控制分析软件V2.0"(08010202038)
关键词 无线传感器网络 节点定位 变尺度法 Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) node localization DFP algorithm
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