在采用两个甚至多个输入源的新能源联合供电系统中,用单个多输入直流变换器(Multiple-Input Converter,MIC)代替原有的多个单输入直流变换器,可以简化电路结构,降低系统成本。采用MIC构成的新能源联合供电系统是一个典型的多输入-多输出耦合系统,因此,闭环系统的设计非常复杂,本文将以双输入Buck变换器为例,进行系统建模以及闭环调节器的设计,使得该系统稳态和动态性能标达到要求。最后通过一个400W的实验样机验证该设计方法的有效性。此设计方法也可以应用于其它的双输入直流变换器构成的新能源联合供电系统中。
Hybrid power systems derive power simultaneously from several renewable energy sources and deliver power continuously to the load. For such systems, the use of a multiple-input dc/dc converter (MIC) has the advantage of simpler circuit design and lower cost, compared to the conventional use of several single-input converters. The design of the close loop is very complicated because it is a multiple-input multiple-output coupling system. Taking a double-input Buck converter as the example, this paper proposed a new design method to model the system and design the regulators. In addition, the experimental results are given to verify the effectiveness of the design by a 400W prototype. This method can be applied to the other double-input DC/DC converters.
The World of Inverters