
大区间参数桁架的动力学拓扑优化 被引量:1

Dynamic Topology Optimization of Trusses with Large Interval Parameters
摘要 基于最大最小化思想,建立了包含目标函数、设计变量和约束函数在内的大区间参数拓扑优化模型。考虑的区间参数主要有弹性模量、结构密度和桁架截面面积。为了确保优化效率,采用了基于遗传算法的一些优化策略,如个体有效性检查、结构稳定性检查等。结果表明:大区间参数区间半径的大小及扰动参数的数目对桁架结构的拓扑优化有很明显的影响;考虑参数的区间半径可以有效的保证结构的安全性能。 The dynamic topology optimization for structures with large interval parameters is systematically investigated. Based on the idea of minimizing maximal value, the topology optimization model with large interval parameters is built, including the objective function, design variables and constraint functions. Large interval parameters considered are elastic modulus, structural density and cross-section areas of truss. In order to ensure optimal efficiency, there are some optimization strategies which are based on genetic algorithms, such as the individual effectiveness checking, topology stability checking, etc. The results show that the radius of large interval parameter and the number of disturbance parameters of truss have a very clear effect on the topology optimization of truss, and the topology optimization considering interval radius can effectively ensure structural safety after dynamic topology optimization.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1491-1495,共5页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10472093) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20060390232)资助
关键词 桁架 拓扑 大区间参数 遗传算法 truss topology large interval parameters genetic algorithms
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