
3-甲基-2-氧代丁酸钙的合成 被引量:1

Synthesis of Calcium 3-Methyl-2-oxobutyrate
摘要 采用甲醇钠催化异丁醛与草酸二乙酯反应,经氢氧化钠皂化水解后,加入氯化钙反应生成3-甲基-2-氧代丁酸钙。优化反应条件为n(甲醇钠)∶n(异丁醛)∶n(氢氧化钠)∶n(草酸二乙酯)=1.4∶1.4∶1.2∶1,合成收率70%(以草酸二乙酯计),产品纯度可达99%以上。 Calcium 3-methyl-2-oxobutyrate was synthesized via reaction of isobutyraldehyde with diethyl oxalate under catalysis of sodium methoxide, followed by hydrolysis in sodium hydroxide solution and then reaction with calcium chloride. The optimum conditions were determined as follows :n (sodium methoxide) : n (isobutyraldehyde) : n (sodium hydroxide) : n (diethyl oxalate)= 1.4 : 1.4 : 1.2 : 1. The target product was obtained in 70% yield with purity of above 99%.
作者 周群 张倩
出处 《精细化工中间体》 CAS 2009年第5期61-63,共3页 Fine Chemical Intermediates
关键词 3-甲基-2-氧代丁酸钙 合成 异丁醛 草酸二乙酯 calcium 3-methyl-2-oxobutyrate synthesis isobutyraldehyde diethyl oxalate
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