
用于PDIC的跨阻放大器的优化设计 被引量:1

Optimization Design of Transimpedance Amplifier for PDIC
摘要 提出了一种用于PDIC的跨阻放大器。电路由三级相同的推挽放大器级联而成,每级均采用一动态电阻对负载进行补偿,以提高放大器的相位裕度。反馈电阻由一栅极受控的PMOS管替代,避免了大尺寸多晶硅电阻引入的附加相移,增加了电路的稳定性。采用XFAB0.6μm CMOS工艺提供的PDK,在Cadence Spectre环境下进行电路设计、仿真验证。仿真结果表明,电路的增益、带宽及稳定性均得到满意结果。 Presented is a transimpedance amplifier for PDIC. The designed amplifier is configured on three identical push-pull amplifier stages that use an active load compensated by an active resistor to improve the phase margin of the amplifier. The feedback resistor is replaced by a PMOS transistor which is biased by the gate voltage. The replacement not only avoids the phase-shift introduced by the large ploy-resistor but improves the stability performance of the transimpedance amplifier. Based on XFAB's 0.6μm CMOS, circuit design and simulation were performed by using Cadence Spectre. The simulation results show that the gain, bandwidth and stability of the amplifier all achieve good performance.
出处 《半导体光电》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期660-662,668,共4页 Semiconductor Optoelectronics
基金 广东省粤港关键领域招标项目(2005A10208004)
关键词 跨阻放大器 CMOS工艺 PDIC transimpedance amplifier CMOS technology PDIC
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