
合肥地区中小学教师专业化发展情况实证调查 被引量:1

The investigation of primary and secondary school teachers professional development situation in Hefei district
摘要 为全面了解合肥地区中小学教师专业化发展的现状,研究建立健全教师专业化发展的制度保障体系及运行机制,加快教师教育一体化进程,我们对合肥市中小学教师的专业化发展情况展开了一次问卷调查。通过调查与分析,指出合肥地区中小学教师专业化发展存在的一些不容忽视的问题,并以此为例,提出了有效推进区域教师专业化发展的对策和建议。 In order to understand the present situation of primary and secondary school teachers professional development in Hefei area, and to research and establish a more perfect safeguard system and operational mechanism of teacher professional development, and to speed up the integration process of teacher education, we carried on a questionnaire survey of Hefei primary and secondary school teachers about the situation of their career specialization. Through the investigation and analysis, we pointed out that some problems could not be neglected in Hefei primary and secondary school teacher professional development, and proposed the effective countermeasures and the suggestions on improving regional teacher professional development.
作者 赵娟 陈啸
出处 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期153-156,共4页 Journal of Fuyang Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部重点课题的子课题"有效推进合肥地区教师专业化发展研究与实践"(DMA060188) 安徽省教育厅人文社科研究项目"有效推进合肥地区教师专业化发展的制度保障体系及运行机制研究(2009sk248)
关键词 中小学 教师 专业化发展 调查 Primary and secondary school Teachers Professional Development Survey
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