
用同位网格算法实现三维方形开口流的数值模拟 被引量:1

The SIMPLER algorithm based on the collocated grid simulation for 3-D square opening cavity flow
摘要 为了能够真实模拟固体壁面对流场的影响,采用储存量小、计算速度快的同位网格SIM-PLER算法对三维方形开口流进行了数值模拟.数值结果表明,平行于来流方向,不同截面内速度、压强、流线等受固体壁面影响各不相同;雷诺数不同时,主流束附近中轴速度v变化剧烈. In order to simulate the influence of the solid-wall on the field, the SIMPLER algorithm based on the collocated grid is used to simulate 3-D partial opening cavity flow in this paper. The numerical results show that the influence of the solid-wall on the velocity, pressure and the flow line of different section is different. The Mid-axis velocity near the mainstream beam changes dramaticly when the Reynolds number increases.
作者 张伟
出处 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 2009年第3期390-394,共5页 Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
关键词 同位网格 SIMPLER算法 三维方形开口流 collocated grid SIMPLER method 3-D square opening cavity flow
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