To the editor: WANG and his colleagues provided the evidence that "both melanopsin-containing and super/or collicular retinal ganglion cells were damaged by chronic ocular hypertension, indicating that glaucomatous neural degeneration involves the non-image-forming visual pathway") These cells as the authors have beautifully described dealing with a variety of functions including biological clock; pupillary light reaction and they are affected by glaucoma. The report is scientific and quite interesting. I would like to congratulate the authors for their superb studies.
To the editor: WANG and his colleagues provided the evidence that "both melanopsin-containing and super/or collicular retinal ganglion cells were damaged by chronic ocular hypertension, indicating that glaucomatous neural degeneration involves the non-image-forming visual pathway") These cells as the authors have beautifully described dealing with a variety of functions including biological clock; pupillary light reaction and they are affected by glaucoma. The report is scientific and quite interesting. I would like to congratulate the authors for their superb studies.