[目的]通过显微解剖观测面神经颞支的分支分布情况及走行层次。确定颞支与相关体表标志的关系,为相关手术防止神经损伤提供应用解剖学依据。[方法]选用福尔马林固定的成人头颅标本20侧,在4倍手术显微镜下解剖观察面神经颞支的分支数目、走行、层次,测量颞支与所选各标志点、线之间的关系。[结果]颞支位于颧弓上缘有1~6(4.30±1.13)支,位于颧弓下缘有1~4(2.85±0.81)支;在CD连线上颞支最前支与D点的距离为(3.69±0.75)cm,最后支与D点的距离为(1.88±0.48)cm;颞支在颧弓上(OA线上)的分布情况为颧弓前1/3占12.5%,颧弓中1/3占67.2%,颧弓后1/3占20.3%;在以O点为原点与OA垂直的直线OB上颞支最上支与O点的距离为(3.29±0.61)cm,最下支与O点的距离为(1.56±0.49)cm。[结论]面神经颞支主要位于颧弓中后部;在耳屏上切迹最前点与外眦点连线上距该点1.88~3.69 cm较集中,相关手术应避免损伤。
[Objective] To study the distribution and the arranging of temporal branches of facial nerve by microdissection,and to study its relations with body surface symbols.[Methods] Twenty adult's specimens fixed by formalin were studied.The number,running and distribution about temporal branches of facial nerve were observed by microscope.The distance between temporal branches of facial nerve and surface symbols were measured.[Results] The number of temporal branch was 4.30±1.13(16)on the superior border of zygomatic arch,and 2.85±0.81(14) on the inferior margin of zygomatic arch.the distance between the foremost branch of temporal branch on the CD line and D point was(3.69±0.75) cm and the distance between backmost branch of temporal branch on the CD line and D point was(1.88±0.48)cm.On the OA line,about 12.5% temporal branches crossed the 1/3 of front zygomatic arch,67.2% were in the 1/3 of middle zygomatic arch,and 20.3% in 1/3 of back zygomatic arch.On the OB,the distance between the top branch of temporal branch and O point was(3.29±0.61)cm,the distance between the lowest branch of temporal branch and 0 point was(1.56±0.49)cm.[Conclusions]Temporal branches of facial nerve mainly cross the middle and back parts of zygomatic arch;The distance about 1.883.69 cm between the foremost point of superior tragus notch and the external canthus is the concentration area of temporal branches of facial nerve,which are the dangerous regions for the corresponding operations.
Journal of Dalian Medical University
facial nerve
temporal branch
applied anatomy