An extensive survey of the P family transposable element of Drosophila melanogaster in China, from the far west as Xinjiang and Xizang (Tibet) to the east coast, covered all China was provided. Strains, sampling more than 70 localities. which were collected during 1980- 1995. In the term of the PM system, the phenotypic property of it was mainly M type, including Taiwan. The molecular test determined. it was M type. There were three localities, the P activity of them were higher as Q type. They are: Dalian Peninsular. Chongming island, near Shanghai and Taizhong of Taiwan. For analyzed geographically, according to the east longitudes, grouped the country to four parts. After comparison, two dividing lines were found: 1. The East longitude of 115°, it was between Area II and Area III, see Fig.4, separating the coastal from inland. Except the P susceptibility of the northeastern three provinces was little higher, about 30.37%, the most part of the east coastal, the first line, its P susceptibility was very week. Seven strains were 0, fifteen strains were under 10%; its P activity was also low, never beyond 10%. therefore, it was appeared neutral,its average was 7.23%. That was the major neutral property of the coastal areas. The second line of little increased P susceptibility averaged about 26.67%. Then, there was the third linewas, when the line was the more westward, its P susceptibility was higher, up to 87%, closing to the highest score of minddlewest part of the country. From the cast coast to the west. there were three gradually increased P susceptibility lines pushing forward could be found. The E 115°, it was between the lines of the second and the third. 2. Besides the East Longitude of 115°, there is another natural geographic line shows its potentiality, that is the Tropic of Cancer. It divided the coastal to two parts, the localities at the south of this line, they did not show the coastal characteristic, instead of neutral or very week P susceptibility, they showed very strong P susceptibility as the inland localities strains were, They were left in the inland, Area II and their position were also there. Although the most part of the coastal areas presented the eastern property of neutral; the P susceptibility of the coastal cities located at the south of the Tropic of Cancer, that was very strong M type, which was different from that of the Tropical of Australia. At the north part of the Tropic of Capricom of Australia, there was P type.
Drosophila melanogaster
Ptransposable element
P susceptibility clines