
模糊群决策中专家意见的汇总研究 被引量:15

Research on the Aggregation of Experts' Opinions During Vague Group Decision Making
摘要 在考虑相对优势、已知信息与弃权部分3个因素的基础上,分析和比较了典型的Vague排序函数,提出改进的排序函数.同时考虑专家决策结果的一致性和专家权重的基础上,改进了汇总各专家Vague意见的方法.案例表明,根据Vague值的相似度量和排序函数能较好地汇总群决策中的Vague意见. Some typical order functions of Vague values are reviewed and compared,and an improved order function is proposed on the base of relatively superiority,amount of known information and abstaining.Considering both agreement degree of decision opinions and the degree of importance of each expert,a method for aggregating individual Vague opinions is improved.Finally,a numerical example is given to apply the proposed method.Results show that it is convenient to aggregate Vague opinions during group decision making by similarity measure and order function of Vague values.
作者 周晓光 张强
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期936-940,共5页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70471063)
关键词 群决策 VAGUE集 排序函数 group decision making Vague set order function
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