Infections wth Coxsackie viruses(especially coxsakie B4 ) are thought to be involved inthe pathognesis of insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus(IDDM). Mouse pancreatic ialets andβ - cell cultured in vitro were infected with coxsakie B4 virus(CB4V), the effects of viruses onthe islets and β - cell were assessed by examination of their secreted functions of insulin. Itwas found that the islets envelope infected with CB4V disapperared earlier and the(pro)in-sulin conent of ialets at stimulatory gluare conentrations is low sighficantly, comparedwith control groups. But did not cause any β - cell destruction. It was suggested that (1 )CB4V can infected mouse pancreatic islets and/orβ - cell in vitro. (2)That infection withCB4V for islets and β - cell leads. to an impairment of insulin metahalic functtions of β - cells.
Journal of Microbiology