
U.S.Societal Landscape:Reality and Challenges

U.S.Societal Landscape:Reality and Challenges
摘要 Barack Obama became the first African American president calling for change.He is not only faced with serious challenges on the economic and financial fronts,but also has to deal with a variety of major social problems which will potentially reshape American society in the 21 st century:increasing economic inequality,complex race relations,an unsustainable healthcare burden and a weakening education system. These are issues which have existed for decades in the U.S.,but now it seems that President Obama has a better opportunity to make a'real change'happen than his predecessors,because American society is going through a fundamental evolution. Barack Obama became the first African American president calling for change. He is not only faced with serious challenges on the economic and financial fronts, but also has to deal with a variety of major social problems which will potentially reshape American society in the 21 st century: increasing economic inequality, complex race relations, an unsustainable healthcare burden and a weakening education system. These are issues which have existed for decades in the U.S., but now it seems that President Obama has a better opportunity to make a "real change" happen than his predecessors, because American society is going through a fundamental evolution.
作者 Qian Liwei
出处 《Contemporary International Relations》 2009年第5期52-63,共12页 现代国际关系(英文版)
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  • 2http://www.census.gov./prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf .
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