
美国对人民币汇率指责的演变与新态势 被引量:4

On Evolution and New Posture of Accusation on RMB Exchange Rate by America
摘要 纵观美国对人民币汇率指责的发展历程,大体上经历了美国金融危机发生前的高潮、危机发生后的缓和、危机企稳后的抬头三个阶段。自2003年美国参议院议员舒默等提出针对人民币的第一个法案,到2007年美国国会两院议员提出的以三大法案为代表的几十项法案,使美国对人民币汇率的指责达到了美国金融危机全面爆发前的高潮。2008年由于受金融危机的影响,美国为解金融危机的燃眉之急而不得不求助于中国,不得不缓和了人民币汇率问题。而2009年过半的时候,金融危机出现了触底和企稳的势头,美国国会又提出了以《2009年公平贸易货币改革法案》为代表的新法案,强调汇率或货币偏差的贸易效果,欲借助这一效果制裁人民币汇率。 Reviewing the evolution of accusation on RMB exchange rate by America, it experienced three phases: climax before Amercian financial crisis, mitigation after crisis and resurgence during recovery. Since the first bill aiming at RMB raised by American senator in 2003, there are dozens of bills from both houses till 2007, pushing the accusation to the peak right before financial crisis. During 2008, in order to resort to China to help them out of the mire, America has to dampen the hiss. Starting from the half end of 2009, witnessing crisis is grounding and stabilizing, American congress proposed new bills represented by "2009 fair trade currency reform bill" , stressing "trade impact due to exchange rate or currency deviation, and ultimately, trying to sanction RMB exchange rate.
作者 韩朔 周海林
出处 《福建金融管理干部学院学报》 2009年第5期16-21,共6页 Journal of Fujian Institute of Financial Administrators
关键词 人民币汇率 美国指责 演变 新态势 RMB exchange rate Accusation by Amercia Evolution New posture
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