麻醉犬接受三种不同药物组合的控制性降压,并观察血流动力学改变。组Ⅰ静滴SNP降压,组Ⅲ静注labetalol 3mg/kg后静滴SNP降压,组Ⅲ静注C_(?)2mg/kg后静滴SNP降压。三组SNP用量分别为31.07±2.16、7.44±1.99和13.21±1.49μg/kg/min,组Ⅱ、Ⅲ降压时不伴有心动过速,心排血量适当下降,低血压容易维持,停用SNP后无反拗性高血压。实验结果表明SNP与labetalol或C_6合用时,降压效应相互协同,SNP用量明显减少,而不良反应相互拮抗,其效果明显优于单独应用SNP、abetalol或C_6进行控制性降压。多种药物复合控制性降压值得推荐。
Ten mongrel dogs anesthetized with sodium pentobabital and artificially ventilated, were instrumented with arteral and Swan-Ganz catheter for assesement of MAP, PAP, CVP, PCWP, CO and SI.Hypotension was induced and maintained at 50% of origionl level for 60 min with three methods: (1) infusion of SNP after labetalol i.v(SNP+La); (2) infusion of SNP after hexamethonium i.v (SNP+C_(?)); (3) infusion of SNP alone.
After infusion of labetalol or C_(?), MAP, HR, SVR were significantly decreased. SI was maintained despite a slight decrease in CO.Tachycardia and redound hypertension were observed in the group, but not in the other two groups. The dosage of SNP was greatly reduced during deliberate hypotension induced by SNP+La or SNP+C_(?).
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology