
志贺菌毒力检测的常用方法 被引量:1

Methods for Dectecting the Virulence of Shigella spp.
摘要 志贺菌属的细菌以人类为特异性宿主,感染人类肠上皮细胞,多导致痉挛性腹痛、腹泻、发烧等症状,是细菌性痢疾最为常见的病原菌。志贺菌的致病机理主要由其Ⅲ型分泌系统调节。志贺菌侵袭力的高低及毒力强弱决定了其致病性的强弱。我们简要介绍志贺菌属细菌的毒力检测方法。 Shigella spp.is human host-specific pathogens that infects intestinal epithelial cells.It is the causative agent of dysentery which is followed by cramps,diarrhea and fever.Its pathogenesis is mediated by a type Ⅲ secretion system.The pathogenicity of Shigella is determined by its invasiveness and virulence.This article is a review about how to detect the virulence of the Shigella.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2009年第5期738-741,共4页 Letters in Biotechnology
关键词 志贺菌属 毒力 侵袭力 检测 Shigella virulence invasiveness detection
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