

Application of percutaneous spleen biopsy under ultrasound guidance
摘要 传统认为经皮脾脏穿刺活检风险较大,人们多难以接受。而对脾脏局灶性病变和脾脏不明原因的弥漫性病变的病理诊断,尤其在对淋巴瘤的分期诊断中,经皮脾脏穿刺活检是一重要的检测手段。近年来,超声引导下穿刺活检对疾病的诊断在临床得到广泛应用,超声引导下经皮脾脏穿刺活检也得以逐渐开展。 It is considered that percutaneous spleen biopsy is dangerous in tradition, so most people are reluctant to accept it. Percutaneous spleen biopsy is an important method for diagnosis of splenic local diseases and unknown diffused diseases, especially for stage diagnosis of lympboma. Recently, with the wide application of percutaneous biopsy under ultrasound guidance in clinic, percutaneous spleen biopsy under ultrasound guidance is gradually used too.
作者 邵秋杰 张宏
出处 《临床超声医学杂志》 2009年第10期687-688,共2页 Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine
关键词 脾脏 超声引导 穿刺活检 Spleen Ultrasound guidance Biopsy
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