
UHMWPE颗粒导致假体无菌性松动模型的建立 被引量:1

Establishment of a new animal model of UHMWPE wear debris induced aseptic loosening
摘要 目的:建立超高分子质量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)颗粒导致的人工关节无菌性松动动物模型.方法:将12只平均体质量3kg的雌性新西兰大白兔随机平分为实验组和对照组,两组均向左侧胫骨髓腔竖直植入羟基磷灰石(HA)涂层假体.实验组于植入前向假体表面均匀涂抹25μgUHMWPE颗粒,对照组不做处理.术后12wk回收标本行骨组织形态学、生物力学以及影像学测量,评估新模型效果.结果:同对照组相比,实验组的骨皮质厚度、生物力学固定强度、骨-假体接触率、假体周围骨体积分数、骨矿化水平和假体周围骨密度均有所下降.结论:成功建立了假体表面涂抹UHMWPE颗粒诱导新西兰大白兔人工关节假体无菌性松动的动物模型. AIM:To establish a new animal model of UHMWPE wear debris induced aseptic loosening.METHODS:Twelve female new England rabbits were divided into 2 groups randomly,HA coating implants were inserted into the left tibia cavities and 25 μg UHMWPE particles were laid on the HA surface of the experimental group prior to surgery.After 12 weeks' observation,histomorphometry,biomechanics test and SEM were performed to evaluate the new aseptic loosening model.RESULTS:Compared with those in control group,the cortical bone thickness,biomechanical fixation stability,bone-implant contact,peri-implant bone volume fraction,bone mineralization and peri-implant bone density all decreased in experimental group.CONCLUSION:We have established a new rabbit model of UHMWPE wear debris induced aseptic loosening.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2009年第19期1956-1960,共5页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 无菌性松动 动物模型 骨溶解 人工关节 aseptic ioosening animal model osteolysis artificial joint
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