

Association between forced sexual intercourse and adverse health behaviors among senior school and college students in Guangdong Province
摘要 目的分析广东省高中及大学生强迫性交的发生情况以及其与健康危险行为发生的关系,为制订干预计划和措施提供依据。方法采用多阶段整群抽样的方法随机抽取广东3个大城市、5个中小城市、13个县/区共21个监测点,每个监测点随机抽取重点高中、普通高中、中专/职业技术学校各1所;另外,城市监测点增加1所大学,每所学校各年级随机抽取1~2个班整群参加调查。调查采用统一设计的问卷,收集被调查者个人及家庭基本情况、个人性行为情况以及其他健康危险行为情况。采用Pearson 2检验及多因素logistic回归分析强迫性交与健康危险行为发生的关系。结果该次调查共回收有效问卷15 173份,调查对象中男生7 375人、女生7 798人,强迫性交发生总人数为314人,强迫性交总发生率为2.1%,男、女生强迫性交发生率分别为2.9%、1.3%,男生高于女生(P<0.01);按学习阶段分析,高中生、大学生的强迫性交的发生率分别为2.1%、1.9%(P>0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,无论男、女,与未发生过强迫性交者相比,发生过强迫性交者更有可能发生以下行为:过去30 d吸烟日子里每天吸烟超过5支(OR男=2.59,OR女=3.42)、过去7 d网络成瘾(OR男=1.60,OR女=2.04)以及过去12个月曾自杀(OR男=2.08,OR女=3.42)。另外,分析结果发现男生发生过强迫性交者更有可能发生过去30 d曾经重度饮酒(OR男=1.75)、过去12个月参与过打架及曾做过自杀计划(OR男分别为1.83、4.18)以及过去7 d玩游戏机成瘾(OR男=1.67);而女生发生过强迫性交者更有可能发生过去12个月内至少曾经1次醉酒(OR女=2.18)以及物质滥用行为(OR女=3.13)。结论强迫性交经历与伤害、物质及精神成瘾行为的发生有关。发生过强迫性交的青少年是这些健康危险行为发生的高危人群,应该及早开展行为和心理干预,防止健康危险行为发生。 Objective To determine the incidence rate of forced sexual intercourse among senior school and college students in Guangdong Province and explore its correlation with adverse health behaviors. Methods Using multi -stage, cluster sampling method, 15 173 senior school and colleges students were selected as study participants and an anonymous self - administered questionnaire was delivered for each participant in class. Information on personal and family characteristics, sexual behaviors and other adverse health behaviors was obtained. A Chi - square test and muhivariate logistic regression analysis were used to clarify sexual behavior and correlates. Results Of 15 173 respondents, there were 7 375 male students and 7 798 female students with a total forced sexual intercourse incidence of 2. 1%. The incidence rate for male students (2. 9% ) was significantly higher than that for female students ( 1.3% ). Compared with students who had never experienced forced sexual intercourse, students who had experienced forced sexual intercourse were more likely to report smoking more than 5 cigarettes per day in past 30 days ( Male : OR = 2. 59, Female : OR = 3.42 ), being addicted in internet in the past 7 days ( Male : OR = 1.60, Female :OR = 2. 04 ) and once adopting suicidal behaviors ( Male : OR = 2.08, Female : OR = 3.42 ) in the past 12 months. In addition, female victims were more likely to experience getting drunk in the past 12 months( OR = 2. 18)and substances abuse( OR = 3. 13 ). While male victims were more likely to report having drunk heavily in the past 30 days( OR = 1.75 ) , being in a fight( OR = 1.83 ) and once making suicidal plan( OR = 4. 18)in the past 12 months and being addicted in video games in the past 7 days( OR = 1.67). Conclusion Forced sexual intercourse is associated with adverse health behaviors. Early health intervention should be conducted to reduce the incidence of the unhealthy behaviors.
出处 《华南预防医学》 2009年第5期4-8,共5页 South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 强迫性交 危险行为 LOGISTIC模型 Forced sexual intercourse Dangerous behavior Logistic models
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