目的研究女性盆底功能障碍疾病(pelvic floor dysfunction,PFD)患者的宫颈组织中胶原蛋白Ⅰ型的含量变化及影响胶原蛋白Ⅰ型的细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)金属蛋白酶(MMP1)的表达。方法应用ELISA和RT-PCR两种方法,分别从蛋白水平和核酸水平测定胶原蛋白Ⅰ型的含量变化及影响蛋白代谢的基质金属蛋白酶(MMP1)的mRNA表达。结果PFD组宫颈组织胶原Ⅰ型含量下降,与正常对照组比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01);PFD组宫颈间质中MMP1-mRNA表达增强,与对照组比较具有显著性差异(P<0.001);分析宫颈胶原蛋白Ⅰ型与MMP1-mRNA表达的相关性,两者成负相关(r=-0.493,P<0.05)。说明PFD患者其宫颈组织Ⅰ型胶原蛋白的降低与MMP1对其降解增加有关。结论PFD患者宫颈组织Ⅰ型胶原蛋白的减少,MMP1的表达增加,表明PED患者宫颈组织Ⅰ型胶原蛋白含量的减少与MMP1增加有关,与本身合成量无关;宫颈组织胶原蛋白含量减少和代谢异常可以用于判断女性盆底组织的支持状况,预防PFD的发生。
Objective To study the variance in the content of type Ⅰ collagen in the cervical and pelvic floor nonsupportive tissues of the patients with pelvic floor dysfunction ( PFD), and to explore the expression of matrix metalloproteinasel ( MMP1 ) which affects the extracellular matrix ( ECM ) of type Ⅰ collagen. Methods ELISA and RT-PCR were used to mensurate the variance in the content of type I collagen and the expression of MMP1 mRNA which affects the protein metabolism at the levels of protein and nucleic acid, respectively in 11 PFD patients and 9 controls. Results The content of type Ⅰcollagen in cervical tissue in PFD group significantly reduced in comparison with that in the group without PFD ( P 〈 0. 01 ). The expression of MMPI-mRNA in cervical interstitium of subjects in PFD group significantly increased in comparison with that in the control group (P 〈 0. 001 ). Correlation analysis of type Ⅰ collagen and MMP1- mRNA in cervical tissues proved a negative correlation (r= -0. 493, P 〈 0.05 ), showing that the decrease of type Ⅰ collagen in cervical tissue of patients with PFD was related to the increasing degradation processed by MMP1. Conclusion The symptoms of PFD become notably distinct when the content of type 1 collagen reduces by 70% and the change of content of collagen is related to its metabolic abnormities. The decrease and metabolic abnormities of the content of collagen in cervical tissues may be one of the causes of women' s pelvic floor dysfunction.
Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)