The accomplishment of a crime, an ultimate state which makes known the completion of a crime, is based on the establishment of a crime. The condition of the completion of a crime belongs, to the constitutive elements. The constitutive elements of the accomplished offense are different from those of the inchoate crimes. The constituton of the former is the basic one, which is stipulated by the branches of criminal law directly. While the constitution of the latter is the adjusted one, which is connected with the general rules of criminal law on the basis of basic crime constitution. Therefore, they are different in nature in the aspect of crime constitution. In other words, one behavior that meets the crime constitution can not be accomplished crime or unaccomplished state of a crime, but absolutely different crime. In this aspect, the transformed criminals are the right example. In the situation of de-transformed criminals, the reason why one crime is transformed into another one is that the constitution of this crime has experienced great change in nature.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
accomplishment of a crime
establishment of a crime
constitution of a crime
unaccomplished state of a crime