
巴西橡胶树核糖体蛋白S6基因的克隆及生物信息学分析 被引量:1

Cloning and Bioinformatic Analysis of the Gene Encoding the Ribosomal Protein S6 from Hevea brasiliensis
摘要 核糖体蛋白S6是核糖体蛋白家族的重要成员,在核糖体中发挥重要作用。利用农业部橡胶生物学重点开放实验室获得的部分序列设计引物,采用3-′RACE技术从巴西橡胶树胶乳中获得一个核糖体蛋白S6基因的完整阅读框,该基因编码249个氨基酸的多肽,含有一个典型的真核生物核糖体蛋白S6结构域。在HbRPS6氨基酸序列中没有预测到跨膜区和信号肽,二级结构分析表明:HbRPS6属于混合型蛋白。对10个RPS6系统进化分析表明:巴西橡胶树的RPS6基因在进化上具有保守性,与植物类玉米的RPS5基因亲缘关系最近,而与动物和酵母的亲缘关系相对较远。该基因的克隆和生物信息学分析为深入研究其功能奠定了基础。 The ribosomal protein 86 is the key member of ribosomal protein family,and it plays an important role in the ribo somal proteins. The primers designed based on the known sequences acquired from Key I.aboratory of Rubber Bidoye of Minisby of Agriculture,the gene was cloned with 3' RACE technique from Hevea brasiliensis latex. The open reading frame encoded 249 amino acids,containing a conserved ribosomal S6 domain, so the gene was named as HbRPS6. No signal peptide and transmembrane structure were predicted within HbRPS6. The result of secondary structure predicted showed that the protein was classified as mixed type. The result of phylogenetic tree indicated that HbRPS6 displayed a high degree of sequence similarity to ZmRPS5,but not to animals and yeast. This paper will be benefit to further analyze the functions of HbRPS6.
出处 《黑龙江农业科学》 2009年第6期4-8,共5页 Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家天然橡胶现代农业产业技术体系建设项目(nycytx-34-GW1-2) 中国热带农业科学院橡胶研究所基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(XJSYWFZX2009-08)
关键词 巴西橡胶树 核糖体蛋白S6 基因克隆 序列分析 Hevea brasiliensis ribosomal protein S6 gene cloning sequence analysis
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