
马铃薯组培快繁技术体系简化的研究 被引量:3

Research on Simplification of Potato Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System
摘要 通过培养器具的替代、培养基成分、培养条件的简化、快繁方式、留茬培养及污染的控制等方面的研究,阐述了马铃薯组培快繁体系的简化以及节约成本的方法,以更好地应用于工厂化育苗的生产。 Simplification of tissue culture and rapid propagation system and way to save cost were introduced by applying for alternative culture apparatus,medium composition,culture conditions simplification and way of rapid propagation,stubble cultivation and research on pollution control,so that the simple and cost-effective way could be better applied in batch production.
作者 宿飞飞
出处 《黑龙江农业科学》 2009年第6期10-11,共2页 Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences
关键词 马铃薯 组培快繁 简化 potato tissue culture simplification
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