

Analysis of the Developing Experience of Business Cluster in Developed Countries and its Inspiration for Chinese Cluster Promotion Policy
摘要 在过去的10年中,集群提升政策被广大政策制定者和研究者所鼓吹。西方国家一些成功的集群更是争相被广大发展中国家所复制和学习。但是,在全球化过程中这些集群范本发展演变趋势被忽视。另外,缺少一个广为接受的集群定义,弱化了集群提升政策制定过程当中对集群的界定。关注集群这两个"副作用"对中国产业集群提升政策的制定有匡正作用。 In the past decade, cluster promotion policy has been advocated by the policy makers and researchers. In the globalization there is an increasing trend for the Third World to "copy" and learn from successful cluster stories in developed countries. However, the developing trend of these cluster samples is ignored. Besides, due to the fact there is no a widely accepted cluster definition, it weakens the clustering mapping in the process of cluster policy making. Chinese cluster promotion policy making can benefit from the consideration on "side effect" of these clusters.
作者 孙振明
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2009年第11期53-57,共5页 East China Economic Management
基金 华东经济管理.青年学者培育计划(Ⅲ期)(YOUTH-HDJJGL2009-03PM002)
关键词 集群提升政策 发达国家 集群范本 集群定义 集群界定 cluster promotion policy developed countries cluster samples cluster definition cluster mapping
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