在"Visual FoxPro程序设计"课程中,SQL语言的教学既是一个重点又是一个难点。作者经过多年的教学实践,探索出了一个通过使用查询设计器和SQL语言进行可视化对比教学的方法,使学生既学会了查询设计器的使用,更重要的是很直观、很容易地掌握了SQL语言中各种参数的正确使用。本文对这一方法进行了论述,并通过一个实例进行了说明。
For Visual FoxPro, the teaching method of SQL is very important and hard project. The author of the paper, who after many years practice in the area, developed a way by use of Visual SQL Cross and Interrogating Developer which will demonstrate SQL essential directly and easily. The paper give you a new view about this teaching method through a detail example.
Computer Education