本文在分析基于Windows mobile的嵌入式GIS平台采用的数据管理策略基础上,对其随着实际应用中使用数据量不断增长和应用需求不断提高的条件下所表现出来的局限性,提出了使用数据的多级索引和动态加载以及采用SQLmobile数据库等方法来解决这一问题,有效的提高了GIS数据的管理、检索效率,并在实际生产中得到很好的验证。
In this paper, first analyze the embedded GIS platform currently used methods of data management, and demonstrated the limitations with its application in large amount of data and application requirements increases. Then used the multi-level data indexing and dynamic load as well as SQLmohile database and other methods to resolve this problem, effectively improve the GIS data management, retrieval efficiency, and the actual production is well verified.
Control & Automation