目的了解北京市建筑工地民工艾滋病知识认知情况和危险行为。方法采取整群抽样,在北京市抽取2个建筑工地的1 000名工人,在知情同意原则下进行问卷调查和小范围的面对面访谈。结果被调查者对艾滋病不同传播途径的知晓率有非常大的差异。在艾滋病危险行为方面,有66.8%的被调查者知晓安全套能够降低感染艾滋病的可能,但仍有51.0%的人从未使用安全套。仅有2.3%的人曾与性服务小姐发生性行为。结论建筑工地民工对于艾滋病知识了解得很含糊,缺乏对艾滋病本质的认识。经济原因在很大程度上影响着他们的艾滋病相关危险行为。
Objective To investigate the awareness of HIV/AIDS and risk behaviors among migrant workers at construction sites in Beijing. Methods The methods of cluster sampling was employed, a questionnaire survey was administered among 1000 migrant workers from two construction sites and a face--to--face interview with the informed consent was conducted in a limited scope. Results There was considerable disparity in the awareness of the routes of AIDS transmission; 66.8% of the migrant workers were aware that the condom could reduce the risk of infection, but 51% of them had never used it. Only 2.3% of the migrant workers had sexual intercourse with female sex workers. Conclusion Although the migrant workers under survey have some basic knowledge on HIV/AIDS, their essential understanding was mostly vague, and financial condition have restricted to a great extent their risk behaviors.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD