白鹇是国家Ⅱ级保护动物,江西武夷山国家级自然保护区的白鹇种群密度为8.3~20.0只/km^2,最大密度出现在海拔650~1 250 m范围。2008年1~2月我国南方严重的冰雪灾害对保护区内的白鹇种群造成了巨大的负面影响。在海拔900~1 100 m、长4 500 m的样线调查中发现白鹇尸体(残骸)和羽毛堆等痕迹15只(11♂、4♀)。凝冻灾害对白鹇种群的负面影响主要是造成白鹇食物缺乏、消耗加大和被捕食风险增加等。
Silver pheasant ( Lophura nycthemera ), an endangered bird species listed in Category 2 of the national protected bird list, distributed mainly at the elevation range of 650 - 1 250 m in Wuyi Mountain nature reserve, with a population density of 8.3 - 20.0 individuals/km^2 .The ice- snow frozen disaster in January and February, 2008, damaged the bird population in the reserve seriously.Survey on the transect of 4 500 m long, at the elevation from 900- 1 100 m in the reserve, discovered 15 dead birds (11 males and 4 females), due to lack of food, increased consumption of energy and risk of predation.
Silver pheasant
Ice-snow frozen disaster
Wuyi mountain nature reserve