结构的连续倒塌已成为严重威胁公共安全的重要问题。国外自1968年英国Ronan Point公寓倒塌事件以来,已经对连续倒塌问题进行了三十年的研究,并编制了相关设计规范,而我国规范目前尚未规定详细抗连续倒塌设计方法。本文参考美国国防部编制的《结构抗连续倒塌设计》(DOD2005)提供的设计流程,采用拆除构件法,基于SAP2000通用有限元软件,对按照我国现行规范设计的四层混凝土框架进行了连续倒塌分析,分析其抗倒塌能力。
Currently, the progressive collapse of the structures has become a serious threat to the public safety. Since the collapse of the Ronan Point Tower in United Kingdom in 1968, North American and Europe have researched on this issue for more than 30 years and developed relevant design codes guides. However, codes in china have not yet proposed in detail on the resistance of progressive collapse. Hence, based on the design process proposed in DoD2005 and finite element SAP2000 software, Using Alternate Path Method, the capacity to resist progressive collapse of a typical Chinese 4 --story reinforced concrete frame is analyzed, Finally, evaluating its capacity to resist progressive collapse.
Journal of Anhui Institute of Architecture(Natural Science)