The hung ceiling of long span with light steel keel and plaster tablet may demonstrate the reciprocities of spatial various parts and make the primary and secondary distinct and the various parts reasonably divided. It can also enhance the effect of the interior decoration and give us beautiful enjoyment. According to project examples, in view of preventive measures against the unevenness of the plate joint in specific projects, this paper puts forward some technique measures to prevent the big areas from not being smooth and the slopes from being obvious on the ceiling in the aspects of design, materials and construction, etc. The construction experience has shown that the adopted measures have guaranteed the project quality effectively. By means of the scientific design of the hung ceiling with light steel keel and the reasonable arrangement of the joint of the various processes, the utilities of the project are best guaranteed in light of the great optimization of the outward appearance.
Journal of Qingdao University of Technology
plaster tablet suspended ceiling
protective measure
construction technique