
舞蹈选材的科学评价与预测 被引量:2

The Scientific Evaluation and Forecast of Selective Dance Trainee Recruitment
摘要 舞蹈招生的经验选材法已经无法满足舞蹈科学训练的要求,舞蹈选材的科学化已迫在眉睫。舞蹈选材应该是一种具有科学准确、客观全面和动态观察等多方面要求的复杂性工作,应该包括家系调查、体格检查、发育程度和发育类型鉴别、测试、评价、预测乃至试训观察等多个环节。舞蹈科学选材从总体上应该包括测评与预测两个方面,即对考生现实状况进行多方位的综合评定和对考生从遗传影响到发展潜力加以综合考虑。要运用多学科的原理和方法,在认识儿童少年生长发育规律和遗传学特征的基础上,根据舞蹈专业的特点和要求,建立舞蹈选材的指标体系、测试手段和评价标准。在预测中要利用遗传和变异、生长发育等理论与方法来判断考生潜在的发展趋势,推断其将来成才可能性的大小。在舞蹈招生考试时,首先要掌握考生的生物年龄,然后再以此为依据进行考场挑选的分组,只有在同生物年龄组内进行比较,才能对考生的条件做出正确的判断与评价。 Dance trainee recruitment can not satisfied the demands of scientific trainings of dance due to the traditional selected material (selecting materials due to the teacher's experience) can not meet the demands of the modem scientific dance trainings. And now it is extremely urgent to select the dance trainings materials scientifically. A scientific standard should be applied to the selection of dance training materials. And this infers to a very complicated work with more objective and practical jobs included genealogy research, physical examination, body development and growth category, examination, evaluation, or even calculation (prediction) if it's needed. In order to recruit in a scientific way we must make two things right, one is evaluation the other is prediction and calculation. That means we must first evaluate the examinee's overall complex quality which also included genealogy influence and potential of the person will be taken into examiner's consideration. And for this reason, we must use more principles and method based on the regulars of the child's growth and genetic characteristics. Due to the professions of dance and its characteristics and demands, we must develop a standard system, an examination method and also an evaluation standard. During the evaluation we can make use of the method on genetic examination growth development of a child's body in order to measure the potential of the child and whether if the child is suitable to be a dancer. So as for conclusion, during an recruitment we must be well known about the examinee's biological age to divided them into different categories of examination hall. Because by using this method we can judge and evaluate the student's potential correctly.
作者 杨鸥
机构地区 北京舞蹈学院
出处 《北京舞蹈学院学报》 北大核心 2009年第2期49-56,共8页 Journal of Beijing Dance Academy
关键词 舞蹈科学选材 测试 预测 生物年龄 发育程度 发育类型 Dance trainee recruitment scientifically, examination, prediction, biological age, body development, type of development.
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