This paper analyzed the non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases from 1993 to l997 in Anhui Province.The results showed that the non -polio AFP case report rate has been over 1/l00, 000 in Anhui Province since 1994and the annual average report rate reached 1/l00, 000 duringl993 - l997 in half of the prefectures and cities of the province. Non-polio enterovirus infection,traumatic neuritis and the Guillian-Barre syndsrome (GBS) were the first three diseases except the causeless without residual palsy and the other non-polil AFP cases (periodic paralysis,monoplegia,myopathy,etc.)The annual average in - cidence of GBSwas0.08/l00, 000. The non-polio AFP cases occurred mainly among the children aged 0 - 4 years, which had obvious seasonal distribution and higher incidence in male than in female The above analyses indicate that there are poor surveillance areas andnon-reported AFP cases in Anhui.So we ought to strengthen AFP surveillance continually especially in the prevalentselson and among the children under 4 years of age .Routine immunization and NIDs should be strengthened and conducted continually especially to floating the children and the children beyond the family plan .In addition ,it is necessary to train the clinicians,which can improve not only their consciousness of reporting AFP cases, bur also their knowledge of identifying ATP cases,finally improve the quality of the AFP surveillance system.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Non - polio acute flaccid paralysis , Surveillance