Nitric oxide (NO), an important biologi-cal messenger and effective factor, has been proved to offercardioprotective benefits through the followings: a) modu-late blood vessel tone, blood pressure, and velocity ofblood flowing through organs; b) prevent leukocyte fromadhering to endothelium; c) inhibit proliferation and mi-gration of vascular smooth muscle cells; d) decrease per-meability of vessel; e) modulate contractility of myocardi-um; f) inhibit platelet aggregation and adhesion, thus slowprocedure of atherosclerosis. Most premenopause womenare less vulnerable to coronary artery disease (CAD),while postmenopause women have high risk of CAD, it wasbelieved that the reason was cardioprotection diminishedbecause of endogenous estrogen insufficient. Coronaryevents can be significantly decreased after estrogen re-placement treatment in postmenopause women with CAD.Cardioprotection from estrogen may be obtained throughmodulating function of endothelium and smooth musclecells by increasing release of NO.