Ten major abnormal geological phenomena exist in Songliao Basin, i.e: the formation of Songliao Basin is binary structure formation with both sedimentary rock and volcanic rock; Na 2SO 4, CaCl 2, Mgcl 2 type formation water appear in enviroment of NaHCO 3 type formation water; there exists paraffine gas reservoir with property of δ 13 C 1> 25‰ and δ 13 C 1>δ 13 C 2>δ 13 C 3; there exists CO 2 gas reservoir with δ 13 C>-9‰in CO 2; hydrocarbon content in Permian shallow metamorphosed slate reaches several thousand mg/g; 17 elements in the petroleum cant be seen in biological material; rhenium, which is poor in crust and rich in mantle, is beared in petroleum; Fulaerji oil field and Taipingzhuang gas field are found outside favoral oil-generating zone in peripheral basin ; oil and gas fields (reservoir) distribute along large rupture; commercial gas layer is found in basal granite weathering crust; commercial gas layer with highest production is in vocalnic rock etc. All these demonstrated that there exist organic hydrocarbon generation, inorganic hydrocarbon generation and synthetic hydrocarbon generation mechanism in Songliao Basin, and exist several hydrocarbon generation model such as band hydrocarbon generation, kitchen hydrocarbon generation, catalysis hydrocarbon generation, inorganic gas hydrocarbon, inorganic liquid hydrocrbon and gas synthetic hydrocarbon and source rock-controlled hydrocarbon-bearing systems. So there should be many new domains for hydrocarbon exploration in north part of Songliao Basin.
Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing
Songliao Basin, North, Abnormal geological phenomenon, Several hydrocarbon generation models, Hydrocarbon-bearing system, New domain for hydrocarbon exploration