Born in Taiwan, grown up in the mainland, and educated in America and Europe, Xu Dishan finally becomes a teacher in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Immersed in the Western culture, he is deeply influenced by religion in partieular. However, as a Chinese scholar, the impacts of the Chinese traditional culture are deeply engraved in Xu Dishan. Therefore, such concepts as the Christian "universal fraternity", the Buddhist "mercy", the Confueian "goodness" and the Taoist "self-cultivation" are all integrated persistently into his whole life. And a special kind of tragic spirit arises from the combination of "the consciousness of redemption", the concept of "all reality is a phantom" and the idea of "cultivating oneself, bringing order to the family, and governing the country and bringing peace to all". His two important works The Holy Rain in the Intangible Mountain and Laboring Spider embody such tragie spirit, with which Xu Dishan "approaches all worldly things in an aloof manner".
Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
Xu Dishan
Hong Kong University
"The Holy Rain in the Intangible Mountain"
"Laboring Spider"
tragic spirit