根据Web应用分层设计的思想,将J2EE信息系统分为表现层、业务服务层、数据持久层和域模型层,并对每层的实现策略进行了研究。采用Java Web MVC框架,Struts实现表现层,Spring框架实现业务服务层,对象/模型映射工具Hibernate实现数据持久层,普通的Java对象实现域模型层。系统利用Spring框架自身"非侵入性"的特点,将Spirng与Struts、Hibernate进行整合,详细阐述了基于Spring的轻量级架构的应用系统开发过程。
According to the principle of hierarchical design, this paper divides the J2EE information system into presentation layer, business services layer, persistent layer and domain model layer. Struts has been used to realize presentation layer, while Spring used to realize business services layer, Hibernate used to realize persistent layer, and Plain Old Java Object used to realize domain model layer. The article integrates Struts and Hibernate with Spring according to the characteristics of "non-invasive" in Spring. The procedure of the system based on Spring is illustrated in detail.
Software Guide