
构建和谐社会进程中社会保险关系接续转移问题研究 被引量:4

Social insurance relationship to build a harmonious society in the process of social insurance relations continued transfer of research
摘要 在中央和地方政府积极推进社会保障事业的发展为民谋利、全面构建"和谐社会"的进程中,作为社会保障建设重要内容的社会保险关系在接续转移上遇到各种障碍,造成社会保险关系接续转移难的原因有地区间经济发展不平衡、现行财政体制设置的不合理、社会保障制度的缺陷、户籍管理与社会保障发展不适应等。为了适应流动就业人群激增的趋势,通过扩大社会保险覆盖面、提高社会保险统筹层次、加大财政支持力度、完善社会保险立法、借鉴欧盟经验采取"工作地缴费,分段记录;退休地方发放,全国结算"做法和健全社会保险管理信息系统等方面的措施,为社会保险关系顺利实现接续转移奠定基础条件,对于我国健全社会保障制度及全面构建"和谐社会"将具有非常重要的现实意义。 In the central and local governments actively promote the development of social security benefit for the people, a comprehensive building a "harmonious society" in the process of building the social security ,as an important part of social insurance relations in the subsequent transfer of the obstacles encountered , subsequent transfer of social insurance relations difficult due to a regional economic development imbalances, the current finance system set up unreasonable, the social security system deficiencies, the household registration management and development of social security are not suited, and so on. To meet the surge in the flow of the crowd employment trends, by expanding the coverage of social insurance, social insurance increased level of co - ordination, increase financial support to the improvement of the social insurance legislation and draw on experience of the European Union to take "working to pay, sub - record; place of retirement, National Clearing " practices and a sound social insurance management information systems, and other aspects of the measures of social insurance relations for the smooth realization of the conditions lay the foundation for subsequent transfer to China and improve a comprehensive social security system and build a" harmonious society "will have a very important practical significance.
出处 《社会保障研究》 2008年第1期29-35,共7页 Social Security Studies
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