
编织加工对聚羟基乙酸纤维降解性能的影响 被引量:4

Influence of Braiding Process on the Performance of Polyglycolic Acid Fibers during Degradation in Vitro
摘要 将聚羟基乙酸(Polyglycolic Acid,PGA)纤维和编织线置于温度为37℃、pH值为7.4的磷酸盐缓冲液(Phosphate Buffer Solution,PBS)中进行8星期的体外降解实验.通过测试两者在降解过程中的质量损失、pH值、断裂强力、结晶度、表面形态的变化情况,探讨编织加工对PGA纤维降解性能的影响.PGA纤维和PGA编织线的降解趋势大体相同,根据各种性能的变化,两者的降解过程均可分为强力下降期、非结晶区质量损失期、结晶区质量损失期3个阶段,但由于PGA编织线中的纤维排列紧密且具有更高的初始结晶度,编织线的降解在每个阶段内与未经编织的纤维又有所不同. Polyglycolic acid(PGA)fibers and braided yarns were placed in phosphate buffer solution(PBS)(pH=7.4)at 37℃ for 8 weeks.Mass loss,pH value,breaking force,crystallinity and morphology were tested during degradation.The influence of braiding process on the performance of polyglycolic acid fibers during degradation in vitro was investigated.According to the changes of various properties,the degradation process of PGA fibers and braided yarns can be separated into three distinct stages named as strength decrease stage,mass loss of amorphous region stage and mass loss of crystallinity region stage.However,the degradation of braided yarns was different from fibers in each stage,due to the close structure and higher initial crystallinity.
作者 郭正 张佩华
出处 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期520-524,536,共6页 Journal of Donghua University(Natural Science)
基金 上海市教委科研创新项目资助(08ZZ32) 高等学校学科创新引智计划资助(B07024)
关键词 聚羟基乙酸(PGA) 纤维 编织线 体外降解 polyglycolic acid(PGA) fiber braided yarn in vitro degradation
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