he purpose of the present study is to investigate the efficacy of He-Ne laser acupuncture, a non-surgical therapy, in treatment of cholelithiasis. This paper reports the results of treatment of 310 cases. The cure rate was 35.2%, improvement rate 54.5% and invalid rate 10.3%. The stone discharge rate was 60.0%. The therapeutic effects of laser irradiation group were better than those of control group treated by electric acupuncture in 120 cases (P<0.01). The discharge rate of one piece of stone smaller than 1 cm is higher in the laser acupuncture group than in the electric acupuncture group. In 30 healthy volunteers HeNe laser acupuncture induced apparent construction of the gallbladder and dilatation of the common bile duct, observed under ultrasonography examination. It is believed that the therapeutic action of this treatment is mainly achieved by modulation of functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Chinese Journal of Laser Medicine & Surgery