
基于Google Maps API的联机书目导航系统研究 被引量:1

A study of Online Bibliography Navigation System on Google Maps API
摘要 利用Google Maps API技术将Google Maps与图书馆联机书目检索系统相集成,通过联机书目导航系统理念的产生、设计、功能的实现及实时显示联机书目导航细节信息等步骤,构建出新的联机书目导航系统。在此基础上,对加拿大金士顿公共图书馆的Google Maps OPAC Mashup联机书目导航系统的实践做一实例分析,从而期望能更好地促进此类系统的开发与应用。 In order to construct a new online bibliography navigation system, the paper uses Google Map API technology to integrate Google Maps and online catalogue retrieval system in libraries through some steps : the emergence of the concept, design, function and real-time display the details of online bibliographic navigation systems and so on. At the same time, it also analyzes the Google Maps OPAC Mashup system of KFPL in Canadian as a case so as to promote the development and application of similar systems.
作者 周群 吴蜀红
机构地区 五邑大学图书馆
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第21期118-121,共4页 Library and Information Service
关键词 GOOGLE MAPS OPAC 联机书目导航系统 Google Maps OPAC online bibliography navigation system
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