
论欧盟邻国政策的形成 被引量:5

An Analysis of the Origins and Formation of the EU Neighborhood Policy
摘要 欧盟邻国政策是克服其在2004年"爆炸式"扩大后面临的扩大疲劳症和管理外部边界两个困境后产生的。在结构上和方法上,欧盟邻国政策明显地借鉴了扩大政策。欧盟邻国政策是欧盟共同外交与安全政策的地区实践,具有差异性、双边性与联营性等特点。在实现繁荣、稳定、良治的目标上,尽管欧盟邻国政策不像扩大政策那么有效,却是必要和有潜力的。 The conceptual process of the EU Neighborhood Policy is similar to the EU's enlargement policy,while the latter's structure and methods are drawn heavily from those of the former.Compared to the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy,the implementation of EU Neighborhood Policy carries characteristics such as differential,bilateral,and coordinated operations.In achieving the objectives of prosperity,stability and good governance,the ENP has been less effective than the EU enlargement policy,but it is still a necessary policy.
作者 张学昆
出处 《国际政治研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期143-160,共18页 The Journal of International Studies
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