本杰明.汤普森是美国享有盛名的建筑师、规划师,其"城市市场(Urban Marketplaces)"项目的成功成为西方各国借鉴的榜样,掀起了历史建筑的开发高潮。本文较为系统地对其事务所的设计流程、方法以及实践项目进行分析与阐述,以期更加清晰透彻地解读其设计思想。
Benjamin C.Thompson is the most famous architect and planner in changing the face of America.Many western countries imitated his design pattern because of the success of his urban marketplaces.In this paper,we introduce his unique design processes and methods ,analyze his models by ordering the key projects in time and discuss the design ways and concept which suit for China eventually.
Urbanism and Architecture