
国家、市场和农民生活机遇——广东三镇的经验对比 被引量:8

State,Market and Life Chances:Evidence from rural Guangdong
摘要 结构变迁如何影响个体生活机遇?本文从国家的二元需求——获取足够的利润和充分的政治支持——出发,认为政治持续和市场变迁之间的对立提高了国家及地方政府补贴农民的激励,从而有助于改善农民生活机遇。在中央政府层面,中央政府对农村社会的经济需求不断降低,而对来自农民的政治支持的重视使其陆续出台有利于农民的各项政策。在地方政府层面,国家的二元需求对他们形成制约,但并不意味着他们必然会一丝不苟地遵从。利用来自广东农村三个镇的经验材料作为基础,本文试图解释镇级政府如何回应国家需求的变化,并根据自身的实际条件形成有差异的农村治理政策,从而相应地损害或增益了农民的生活机遇。 How do the changes of social structure affect people's life chances? Taking the needs of the state and its agencies — to extract enough revenue and to maintain political support — into consideration,this study argues that the discrepancy between economic liberalization and continued political authoritarianism increases the motivation and ability of the state to relieve the burden on peasants. At the central level,the political needs of the central government have gradually prevailed over its economic needs and the government has proposed a series of policies to relieve rural societies. However,changes in the policies of the central government do not necessarily mean that the local governments will follow suit. Based on ethnographic data from three townships in rural Guangdong,this study illustrates how the township governments respond to the state's needs according to their situation and accordingly increase or decrease peasants' life chances.
作者 陈那波
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期37-64,共28页 Sociological Studies
基金 中山大学文科青年教师科研基金项目 教育部基地重大招标课题<中国社会政策的挑战与对策>(项目批准号08JJD840203)的资助
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