There are many gullies on the surface of the Loess Plateau in Western China. Mining cracks of shallow coalfield affect the surface of the gullies and the mine will be poured by the flood which is in the gullies and passes through the mining cracks when the rain is heavy. In order to prevent such water disaster,many researches have been done about Meijiagou on the 6102 working face of Guanzigou Coal Mine in Neimenggu province. These works included measuring water volume after rain, observing infiltration depth after rain and morphological characteristics of slopes,testing permeabihty of different sands by specialized test and collecting information of rainfall. The results show that the permeability of the Cenozoic sand is poor in Guanzigou Coal Mine and the structures of slopes are stable after rain. The accident of water and sand inrush caused by Meijiagou is less likely to happen. Underground water inrush is predicted to increase about 57m^3/h because of the rainfall and the 6102 working face can be safely mined. A new method which can be used to predict and evaluate gully water disaster on the surface of shallowly-buried coal seam in western China has been introduced in this article and it will have a broad application prospect in the coal mine of western China.
Journal of North China Institute of Science and Technology
shallowly-buried coal seam
surface gully
water disaster