
利用Cre/loxP系统和rd29A启动子构建诱导型植物标记基因删除载体 被引量:3

Construction of Inducible Deletion System of Selectable Marker Gene by Using Cre/loxP System and rd29A Promoter
摘要 出于对转基因作物中标记基因的安全性考虑,植物转基因育种中标记基因的删除将成为未来研究的热点之一。位点特异性重组系统之一Cre/loxP系统是目前在植物遗传转化中应用较多,较成熟的一个标记基因删除系统。为了利用Cre/loxP系统构建一种可调控的标记基因删除系统,本研究首先从拟南芥中克隆了逆境诱导型的启动子rd29A,同时从质粒pCre上克隆了Cre基因,构建了含有rd29A:Cre:Tnos表达元件的中间载体,将这一表达元件插入到另一植物双元表达载体pKsb中,最终构建了含有loxP-Pnos-nptⅡ-Tocs-rd29A-Cre-Tnos-loxP的可诱导型删除标记基因nptⅡ的植物双元表达载体。 In view of the biosafety of the marker gene in genetically modified crops, deletion of marker gene m transgenic breeding would be become one of the research focuses in the near future. In this study, we put forward a strategy for building a kind of inducible deletion system of selectable marker gene by employing the stress inducible rd29A promoter instead of constitutive 35S promoter and combining with Cre/loxP system, one of the site-specific recombination systems, which would be known as a comparatively sophisticated system, widely used in marker gene deletion. We cloned the stress inducible rd29A promoter from A rabidopsis thaliana and Cre gene from plasmid pCre firstly. And then we built the bridge plasmid harboring rd29A :Cre:Tnos fusion unit by using common DNA manipulation, i.e., enzyme digestion, ligation and transformation. The rd29A:Cre :Tnos fusion unit was further integrated into a binary vector, pKsb. An inducible deletion system of selection marker gene harboring loxp-Pnos-npt Ⅱ -Tocs-rd29A-Cre-Tnos-loxP fusion unit was finally constructed, which would provide an idea for building safety expression construct without fearing about marker gene risks.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 2009年第5期1040-1044,共5页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家863项目(2008AA10Z1562)资助
关键词 CRE/LOXP系统 RD29A启动子 诱导型标记基因删除系统 Cre/loxP system, rd29A promoter, Inducible deletion system of selectable marker gene
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