文中介绍了如何利用软件开发包,在屏蔽大部分低层细节的基础上,实现SNMP网络管理代理的设计。在嵌入式操作系统之上,论述了树型结构数据库MIB模块的增加,以及基于NET-SNMP网络代理的扩展开发和嵌入式网络管理代理的具体实现。表现了简单网络管理协议SNMP自身的简单实用性,以及Agent X协议为网络设备带来的可扩展性,达到了小型设备上运行子代理,发送数据给主代理来完成SNMP协议的通信过程。
The solution to developing the network management agent based on SNMP is described. Based on screening of the most bottom layer details, how to use the related source-packet and realize the network management agent is discussed. The paper tells of the adding of MIB modules and the extension of subagent based on NET-SNMP, including optimized realization of embedded network management agent on SNMP, presents the simplicity and practicability of Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the extensibility of the network devices owing to the AgentX. Thus the running of a sub-agent on small devices and the sending of data to the Master Agent SNMP for completion of communication process is achieved
Communications Technology