The universal value, commonly suitable and inevitable for human beings, is a view of value that can be commonly understood and binding. It is not only a concept that means the universality of values, but also the ideal that is worth pursuing. The historicity of the practice of human life, the intention and strategy of cultural hegemony, and the diversity of value can not deny the universal value. The universal value is worthy pursuing, because every one, as an individual, must live in social community with different levels. In the process of the transformation of world history and the development of globalization, human beings have obtained the world way of existence, and as a result the pursuing of the universal value has had historical necessity. In the pursuit of the universal value we should respect cultural diversity and also give it stipulations, so that human beings would cope with the challenge of global problems, and bring about a common future. China would make a contribution to realization of the ideal of the universal value.
Academic Journal of Jinyang