
基于模糊控制的路径识别智能小车设计 被引量:7

A Design of Smart Car of Track Recognition based on Fuzzy Control
摘要 本文介绍了一种C语言实现的基于模糊控制的智能小车系统,通过小车的位置值和位置差值建立模糊系统,配合以速度PID控制,达到智能寻迹和速度匹配的目的。文章着重阐述了智能车的路径识别方法和用C语言实现模糊算法的方法。智能车系统核心控制单元采用了具有模糊指令的MC9S12DG128单片机。实践表明,采用模糊控制的智能小车在路径识别的精准度,稳定性,及速度控制上具有明显优势。 This paper presents a C language programming smart car system based on fuzzy control. The purpose is perfecting the track recognition and speed matching by the foundation of the fuzzy system through using position value and its difference. The method of track recognition and the method of fuzzy realized by C language are introduced particularly. The controller of smart car is MC9S12DG128 with the fuzzy instruction. The result of practices shows that the smart car using fuzzy control has a big advantage obviously on speed control and the accuracy, stability of track recognition.
出处 《电气电子教学学报》 2009年第5期74-76,共3页 Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education
关键词 模糊控制 路径识别 智能小车 fuzzy control track recognition smart car
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