
美帝国主义的统治史和衰落史 被引量:1

The Reality of U.S. Imperialism:Its Dominance and Decline
摘要 随着世界多极化的发展,美帝国主义在全球的霸权统治正受到挑战,但他仍然借助其军事、经济和政治上的优势试图统摄全球,建立起新的国际秩序。以美国为首的西方殖民列强剥削、掠夺着亚非拉地区,但他们内部又因分赃不均而时常爆发冲突。在美国垄断统治的重压下,国际资本主义规则和美元被赋予了绝对权力,推动了美国经济的发展,并加剧了美国的全球垄断。基于此,一些人提出了跨国资产阶级理论,但其实质与"超帝国主义"理论如出一辙,是为帝国主义服务的。工人运动、社会革命和民族解放战争对帝国主义的全球统治造成了威胁,亚非地区人民的反封建反殖民斗争冲击着帝国主义特权。多极化世界的加速崛起以及围绕新兴经济的国际合作的加强,必然会瓦解美帝国主义对世界经济的垄断,从而使其霸权统治走向衰落。 With acceleration and reach of the development of multi-polarity of the world, the global dominance of U.S. Imperialism is being tested, hut it still tries to dominate the world by its formidable military, financial and political power. The U. S. -led western colonial powers exploit and plunder the Asian, African and Latin American areas, and they often come to conflict when dividing their booty. Under the pressure of U. S. monopolistic domi nance, the rules of international capitalism and U.S. dollar were given supremacy, which boosts U.S. economy and expands U.S. monopoly. In this process, some scholars proposed the theory of transnational capitalist class. This theory which is similar with the theory of Super Imperialism serves the imperialists. The labor movement, social revolution and national liberation struggle have threatened the domination of imperialism, and the struggles against feudalism and colonialism in Asian and African areas have attacked the imperialist franchise. The development of multi-polarity of the world and the increasing co-operation of states around the emerging economies will undermine the economic monopoly of U. S. imperialist, and thus lead to the decline of its hegemonic denomination.
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第6期1-6,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
关键词 美国 帝国主义 跨国资产阶级 亚非地区 全球化 多极化 U. S. imperialism transnational capitalist class (TCC) Asian and African areas globalization multi-polarity
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